My Family

My Family

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 I am at work, returning calls from the holiday weekend and I get several messages from a Mrs. Johnson. I returned her call and left a message w/her sweet husband. A few hours later, this old lady marches into the studio, throws her purse and arms over my counter. She greets me w/this statement- "your phone service is exhausting!!" I look at her and say, "are you by any chance Mrs Johnson?" It was no surprise to me, she was Mrs. Johnson indeed!!!
The poor woman was wanting to make an appointment for both herself and her husband. She was very specific w/wanting them photographed together and seperately. She sews, so she will want to change jackets several times. I made the mistake of asking her, were these for any special occasion? She went into great detail, telling me her cemetary plots, funeral service and cremation were all paid in full. She has also, already selected the pianist,vocalist, minister and song selection for her funeral service. I politely complimented her on her well thought out plans and tell her I will make these the most beautiful obituary photographs. She asked me, if I thought this was morbid and I told her...everyone is born and everybody dies. She smiled at me and said, "we will be looking forward to our appointment on Friday."
I always tell people, all I do all day is photograph happy occasions and I cant believe today I am making a obituary picture a happy occasion. Its all in how you view things, I so enjoyed meeting Mrs. Johnson today!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy Beverly! You can be a world renowned obituary photographer! I can't wait to read more blogs!
